Delicious mix of spices to use on anything for the grill or smoker

Seasoning is an art form.  Applying just the right mix of salt, pepper, sugar, etc. can take a meal from “meh” to “WOW”.  A “rub” is a mixture of seasonings designed for use on food that will be grilled or smoked.  The rub is designed to penetrate the food, getting that beautiful mixture of flavors down below the surface layer.

The rub recipe below has been adapted from several other recipes.  I’ve adjusted it to my family’s taste preference.  It is not spicy hot at all, but you can add heat if you like.


  • 3/4 cup paprika

  • 1/2 cup white sugar

  • 1/2 cup salt

  • 1/4 cup ground black pepper

  • 2 tbsp thyme

  • 2 tbsp dry mustard

  • 2 tbsp cumin

  • 1 tbsp sage

Mix everything together in a large shaker seasoning bottle.  Shake the bottle vigorously until all ingredients are mixed thoroughly.  If you prefer a little heat in your BBQ rub, you can add 2 tbsp of cayenne pepper to the mixture.

Use this BBQ rub on any meat you’re planning to grill or smoke.  For smaller pieces of meat, such as ribs or steak, put the rub on 10 minutes before cooking.  For larger pieces of meat, such as a whole rear leg ham, sprinkle the rub liberally all over the meat and let sit overnight.  The salt content in the rub will draw moisture from the meat, which then mixes with the seasonings and gets reabsorbed over and over.  Given the right amount of time, this BBQ rub will penetrate deep into the meat, giving your taste buds a real treat when it’s time to eat.

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