Easy Wild Game Recipes

Minimal Ingredients, Easy Cooking Techniques, Delicious Meals

Wild game has to be the most expensive food on the planet.  All of the time we spend building blinds, scouting, target shooting, hanging stands, and painting decoys adds up quickly.  I can’t even begin to put a price per pound on that handful of mallards we killed this year.  Now that the meat is in the freezer, we need some good wild game recipes.

Just because we spend a ton of time in the field killing critters doesn’t mean we must spend a ton of time in the kitchen cooking them!  There are too many wild game recipes that require special ingredients I’ve never heard of and cooking techniques beyond my capabilities.  For the most part, wild game meat is tasty by itself, there’s no reason to mess them up with a bunch of fancy prep.  Let’s keep it simple where we can.

Below is a collection of our favorite easy wild game recipes that are both tasty and easy.  They require minimal ingredients and easy cooking techniques.  If you have others we need to add to the list, let us know!

Easy Waterfowl Recipes

Easy Venison Recipes

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